Opening Ceremony Resilience Hub
Friday, December 1, 2023 |
9:00 - 10:00 |
As a delegation of wisdom keepers from all around the globe, we intend to share prayer, song, and ceremony from our various cultures with the audience. The idea is to start COP28 off with an inclusive, receptive mindset.
As Indigenous practices and beliefs are frequently exotified and bastardized within climate/environmental justice spaces to cater to a setter gaze, sharing our real, authentic expressions of who we are is imperative to start off climate justice discussions and negotiations.
Hosted by:
Wisdom Keepers
Oussou Lio Appolinaire
Mindahi Bastida
Sheelah Bearfoot
The Wisdom Keepers Delegation
Wiruungga Dunggirr
Jeff Ferguson
The Wisdom Keepers Delegation
Wanka Inti
Jacob Johns
The Wisdom Keepers Delegation
Aya Khourshid
The Wisdom Keepers Delegation
Bodhi Patil
The Wisdom Keepers Delegation
WHAIA Sonic Weaver
Big Wind