Artivism for a Resilient Future: Democratising science and amplifying alternative voices through art
Monday, December 11, 2023 |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Arts, Culture, Antiquities and Heritage
Indigenous, traditional, and local knowledge, culture, and heritage are often not acknowledged, nor validated in climate research, action and policy. Marginalised groups often are not included in the decision making process, and those knowledges that are often expressed through art, cultural experiences, and values have not been understood generally.
On the other hand, art has the potential to cut across disciplinary, socio-economic, linguistic and educational differences. Art is a shared language that could amplify alternative voices, makes cultures visible, audible, and tangible and able to communicate climate impacts from multiple vantage points. Through this session, we will convene artists and storytellers from different perspectives of the world to share and perform their stories, engage in, with, and through art for climate justice and a resilient future.
Hosted by:
Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
Diyah Deviyanti
Program Manager
Hutan Itu Indonesia/ Kopi Coalition
Phylemon Okoth